What is Xilhouette.Horse?
Xilhouette.Horse will be a safe space, a writing center, and a publisher for young voices. Modeled after the International Alliance of Youth Writing Centers, X.H aims to amplify voices and set creative minds on fire by supporting their development as writers and members of the community.

Young Writers Community
We believe the voice of our young writers is essential to our survival, and our ability to thrive as a community. The story of our young minds is the story of our collective future. We have to make sure they believe in themselves and their worth and the importance of their voices.

Online Writing Course
We currently offer the first 10 lessons in an online writing course designed to supplement traditional education with lessons on reading, writing, organizing ideas, exploring identity, honing imagination, and using their natural talents to define a successful path forward.

Support the Launch
We hope to open a writing center in Solana Beach where kids of all ages can feel safe, explore, and find their voices so they feel confident sharing their stories. Learn more about how you can help support this effort today and be on the lookout for a pop-up writing center soon.